Nexus Journals Open Access is dedicated to follows policies and ethics based on COPE (Committee on Publishing Ethics)

Click here to find Resources on COPE regarding ethics and policies.


Ethics and Policies

Ethics and policies are required to achieve quality and trust in scientific publications, to evoke better growth in scientific findings and to give people credit for their findings.


Nexus Journals Open Access does not require a written consent from the authors of a research paper, but submission to a journal entails that all listed authors have agreed to the content of the journal, including the author list and contributions. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining consent from all authors to be listed in the journal and for their approval of manuscript submission. They also hold responsibility for any communication between co-authors and the journal before and after publication. The author list should only include appropriate authors. Authorship in the journal gives credit to the author for their contributions and accountability for their work. Therefore, at least one member of the group should take responsibility for the contributions to the manuscript.

Easy Access

Nexus Journals Open Access is committed to providing easy access to our products and services for everyone. We prioritise giving our customers complete information and ensuring their understanding of our content. To provide easy access, we encourage our authors to create accessible content, and we continuously work on improving our features to provide a better platform for our readers.

Article Withdrawal

In general, the editors of the respective journal are completely responsible for deciding which articles should be published in the journal. Once the articles have been published, they remain intact. Articles that contain errors, have been submitted twice, have incorrect claims of authorship, plagiarism, or false data are withdrawn.

Duplicate Submission

Manuscripts that have previously been published or are currently under review elsewhere will be considered as duplicate submissions. If authors use their own previously submitted work as the basis for their current manuscript, they should indicate how it differs from the previous work before submission.


Nexus Journals is committed to publishing only original materials. Any manuscript that contains content from other authors, whether published or unpublished, will be considered as plagiarism. Submitted manuscripts with false experimental results or manipulated content or images will also be considered as false data, which is a breach in the policy of the journal. This may lead to the withdrawal of the manuscript.

Author Contribution

It is important to list everyone who made a contribution in the manuscript. The listed authors should have the significant contribution to the manuscript.